While lawyers can effectively represent clients before judges and juries, newsPRos successfully provides media strategies to support lawyers and their clients in the Court of Public Opinion — a venue that can have as much, if not more, impact on a company or issue than a courtroom decision. Litigants on both sides are increasingly sophisticated in their use of media and social networks to argue their case and attack their opponents, but these same communication tools and strategies can also be used to mitigate any reputational damage associated with the litigation.

Our experience includes implementing communications strategies for lawyers and their clients before, during and after trial. We work directly with the legal team to insure that the messaging is consistent with the trial strategy. We help clients shape and manage public perceptions to their advantage, whether the litigation involves a corporation, individuals, a class of plaintiffs or other high-profile criminal, civil or celebrity plaintiffs or defendants.

Read more about our litigation support services and about the largest employment discrimination trial in US history and how newsPRos managed the media.

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